Welcome to Park House
After a total of six previously unsuccessful planning applications, developer Pegasus Life has received the go-ahead to build an apartment complex on the site of the long-derelict James Marshall House and those adjacent buildings which latterly served as Harpenden's Seniors Club. It will comprise 35 two-bedroom and three one-bed apartments. Construction work is scheduled to begin in July of this year, with completion expected in December 2017.
At the Harpenden Society's April meeting, Pegasus Life manager Emma Webster put the plans into context. Situated on the edge of Rothamsted Park, Park House, as it will be called, will overlook the park, close to the Sports Centre and Swimming Pool. However, an unobstructed view across the park for residents will require the controversial removal of four large cypress trees inside the park boundary, permission for which has yet to be granted.
Situated on the edge of Rothamsted Park, Park House, as it will be called, will overlook the park, close to the Sports Centre and Swimming Pool. However, an unobstructed view across the park for residents will require the controversial removal of four large cypress trees inside the park boundary, permission for which has yet to be granted.
Tim Riley, from RCKa Architects - and a Society member - then gave a more detailed presentation of the plans. He said it was necessary, for aesthetic as well as planning consent reasons, for the development, comprising three separate apartment buildings, to blend with the nearby Town Hall and Busy Bees nursery building, with the intention of enhancing the Leyton Road townscape. Accordingly the RCKa team had pursued what he called an ‘arts and crafts' architectural theme
At the same time it also needed to be, as far as possible, practically and visually attractive from the other side, for those enjoying their leisure activities in Rothamsted Park, to which end Park House will also include a café open to the public as well as a 76 square metre communal Seniors Club lounge area for the use of its elderly and/or disabled residents
Inside the three apartment blocks - connected on the slightly sloping site by a covered shallow-ramped colonnade - a novel ‘open plan' layout has been adopted which does away with traditional corridors to give a more spacious ambience. In keeping with today's inevitable personal transport needs, each Park House apartment will have its own assigned car parking space.
Tim Riley's presentation can be found here.